Frequently Asked Questions
How did the organization get started?
NPSWC, Inc started in 2000 as an interest organization for LINKS, Inc. As that process began, the LINKS put a moratorium on new chapters. NPSWC was not accepted as a new chapter at that time, so our organization decided to continue and take on a more local focus.
What is your organization's mission?
The mission of the NPSWC is to enhance the quality of life within our community. Public service, leadership development, and education are the hallmarks of our organization's programs and activities. The commitment of the NPSWC is expressed through our slogan "Friendship and Service".
Is your organization a 501C3? if so, what is your tax ID#?
Yes, we are a nonprofit which means that if you make a contribution and have not received anything in return for your donation, you are eligible for a tax deduction.
Our tax ID# 91-2192364.
How do I become a member?
Contact our member Chairperson, Vickie Moseley Jones, and she will forward you a membership application. We are seeking women who want to help address needs in our community who have a degree or an entrepreneurial spirit, and who have a heart to serve.
Members must be residents of Craven, Jones, Pamlico, or Carteret counties.
Who manages the organization?
You do! Our organization is strictly volunteer based. There are no paid officers or positions. The Executive Committee consists of all elected officers and committee chairpersons.
You can donate by going to our donation page or by mailing a check 548 Park Meadows Drive Newport North Carolina 28570 to our treasurer.
We use Givelify for online donations. You can donate to a specific project/activity on that page, to our scholarship funds, or make a general donation to use wherever needed.
Why donate?
We know there is no shortage of organizations to support and
no shortage of causes that are worthwhile. NPSWC, Inc. prides itself on
keeping your financial support primarily in our local community. We also use most of the funds we raise to assist individuals who may not receive support from other entities – individuals and families battling Sickle Cell Disease; individuals who have overcome obstacles and are working to further their education, and individuals who work to care for others – just to name a few. We cannot accomplish our mission without your support!
Make donation by mailing a check 548 Park Meadows Drive Newport North Carolina 28570 or Click Here:
How can I partner with your organization?
We are always looking for partners to help us fulfill our mission. If you are interested in getting involved in any of our projects, please contact Millicent McLean.