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Blood Drives
The Neuse Pamlico Sound Women’s Coalition, Inc. partners with the
American Red Cross to provide opportunities for individuals to give the
lifesaving gift of blood. According to the American Red Cross, one donation
can save up to three lives.
Blood drives sponsored by NPSWC, Inc. are open to everyone. We do make
an effort to schedule our drives in or near African American communities to
encourage people of color to give. We know there is a shortage of donors
from those communities and statistics show that at least 25% of people will
need blood at least once in their lifetime.
Please support this effort by giving blood and/or by helping to sponsor a
blood drive in your community.
Why Donate?
Why donate? We know there is no shortage of organizations to support and
no shortage of causes that are worthwhile. NPSWC, Inc. prides itself on
keeping your financial support primarily in our local community. We also
use most of the funds we raise to assist individuals who may not receive
support from other entities – individuals and families battling Sickle Cell
Disease; individuals who have overcome obstacles and are working to
further their education, and individuals who work to care for others – just to
name a few. We cannot accomplish our mission without your support!
Make donation by mailing a check to:
548 Park Meadows Drive Newport, North Carolina 28570